Saturday 15 March 2008

Self Cancellation: LMC London-Glasgow Festival

The self-cancellation gigs involved ice, burning harps and tubas slowly filling with sand.

People crammed into the Beasconsfield Gallery to see and hear the fantastic pieces that had been pulled together to celebrate what is the last LC festival, due to Arts Council cuts (hence the name).

The line-up was good, some of the artists playing were:

Mark & John Bain
John Butcher
Michael Colligan
Rhodri Davies
Benedict Drew
Robin Hayward
Gustav Metzger
Lee Patterson
Sarah Washington

This is a picture and videos of some sound sensitive light boxes I built for Gustave Metzger. I played for the Palimpsest piece using an overlaying sodukhu game as a score. We went to Glasgow and played as part of Arika Install 08 Festival, the Palimpsest piece which was a big success.

Tuesday 8 January 2008

Lenardo Music Journal Volume 17

This 32 year old academic journal comes free with a CD. Oscillatorial Binnage's track Taut Wires, Lice and Flies" features on the CD with a track we recorded in my old sitting room. Curated by Sarah Washington, there are a few Resonancefm names on the compilation which she has fittingly dedicated to Ed Baxter.

More on Oscillatorial Binnage:

Sunday 23 December 2007

Resonance Radio Orchestra at Stroud

Every year a few creative and unusual people in Stroud put together an arts event, and this year we were lucky enough to be invited.

Aside from our performance of Ed Baxter's play Attempted Brunch, there was a film screening of Luke Fowler's the Scratch Orchestra years, and an amazing sounding sculpture installed in the main room on the high street, made up of crystal glasses, pennies and iron marbles, so that when the marbles were dropped through the hole in the ceiling they fell through the sculpture setting it in motion and bringing out various crystal tones.

The play was an improvisation piece under Ed's parody of mainstream radio plays. Xentos, Fari Bradley, clarinetist Chris Cunley played with me in the the SVA centre for this little festival. The audience were very appreciative, we felt very welcome. Stroud is a great place to visit by the way, with five valleys to explore on every side. Hopefully we will return.